Tuesday, November 10, 2009

One Year Later-A Mystery Solved!

One year ago-actually November 11, 2008- I posted that my Christmas cactus was blooming! I really didn't know why. I moved into the house in August 2008, and I kept the cactus plants and the aloe vera on the front porch. When it was time to move indoors, I put them in good sunny locations to make them okay with the transition. Then this thing bloomed. I thought perhaps it was just the adjustment to new lighting, maybe the heat inside the house, etc. One year later, it is blooming on the exact date! So now I have a November cactus blooming. Maybe it is a Veteran. Who knows? It is one of those mysteries of Life, I guess. It is creamy white with a tinge of yellow in it. It will probably be in full bloom tomorrow-it's anniversary!

I also finished two skeins of yarn. This is the yak/merino blend. It is too hard to get a good picture of this. It is soft and scrumptious. I still have two more ozs to spin. I had to break it into two tasks, or I was going to go nuts. It is very tedious, fine spinning.
So to give myself a break, I gathered a lot of little samples and batches of dyed merino. I mixed hot pinks, light pinks, purples, lavenders, a little green, a little orange, and I got this odd-looking little skein. I love it. It is a great blend-a one-of-a-kind. It is only 149 yards, and weighs two ozs. But I think it could be used in some gloves or something simple.

On Saturday I watched a movie called Wooly Boys with Kris Kristofferson and Peter Fonda. I can turn on Hulu.com and watch stuff like that. I started this little skein. So Sunday I needed to ply it, and I again turned on Hulu. I watched a very OLD version of Sherlock Holmes shows in black and white. They lasted about 30 mins each. And viola! a skein is completed.
Not much else going on. I made yeast rolls yesterday, and actually cooked a good meal. So leftovers tonight. I have a tendency to cook a good meal and put leftovers in the freezer. Then I don't have to cook that often. Just pull out the frozen stuff, heat it up, and dinner is done. I am always amazed when friends tell me their spouse-or their families-don't like leftovers like that. It just seems like a gimmick to make someone cook more often. And who wants to do that when there is knitting and spinning to do.
Actually there is sewing to do. I haven't got the binding on my quilt yet. And I have a little sewing project I am working on besides that. So I think I will not spin for a while. Just sew.
The weather is still warmish during the day. The doors are open and the clothes are still able to dry on the clothesline. Isn't this a strange November? I did check and we had our first little snow on December 1 last year. We'll see.
Well, I guess it is time to head to the back room to sew. Have a good week. I am going to Oklahoma for a few days at the end of the week. Will catch up later.

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