Friday, May 8, 2009

I Think It's Friday!

May your bobbin always be full! ~Author Unknown

I think it's Friday. All week I have had difficulty with knowing what day of the week it is. Tuesday felt like Friday, so Wednesday felt like Saturday. I went to the Spinning Guild meeting with CE and her mother, and her mother said it felt like a Saturday to her too. She woke up thinking she would have breakfast delivered by the church that delivers a Saturday meal to her. As you can see, there is no distaff. I don't know what the extra hole is for. Someone suggested a water container for spinning linen. ??? I know they look like little hearts, but I think they are tulips. There are three cuts on the top.
This maiden is intact. The far maiden has the very top part broken off. The bobbin is half broken, but there is one intact side with hooks. The bobbin is fine.

The wheel has two little dots of green above the red (?) tulip. The spokes are painted, as you can see.

And here she is! Isn't she darling? It is so tiny. I am loving it every time I see it. She just needs someone to care for her.
A #6 aluminum needle has been known to furnish an excellent emergency shearpin for an outboard motor. ~Elizabeth Zimmerman
Yesterday was a most frustrating day. Three-yes, three-trips to Lowes and hardware stores resulted in my insane madness showing through. I finally went to City Lumber, and the man treated me as if I was intelligent and could do what I need to do. It is very frustrating to find men who think that I am nuts, and why can't I just hire someone to do what I need to do? I just need to get the damn wringer washer rewired. I started to splice a heavy cord to the one already there. But the original cord is very brittle and not really safe. It is not grounded, for one thing. I talked to my neighbor this morning, and he gave me some tips.
I also have got to figure out how to get a hose to the drain. I am very frustrated with that too. It appears to me that there is a pipe coming down from the hole that just needs a fitting that will allow me to hook up an old garden hose. It is an old hose that I can cut to length, etc. First I bought one that was not the right size. Then I bought one to the size I measured for the umpteenth time. It would not thread onto the damn pipe. So now I am in the mood to just buy a 1" diameter hose or tubing and clamp the sucker to the pipe. That should do it. It is a simpler solution than the wiring thing is.
It was such a glorious day yesterday. Warm, humid, sunny! Guess what? It's raining again. It's suppose to rain until Monday! SIGH!
I guess I am out of options for new ideas. This is a post of stupid complaints. I have so much to be thankful for, and I am happy that we are getting the rain we need. The beans, squash and corn are up and running. The garden is happy now. So go forth to your gardens this weekend and be thankful that Spring is such a wonderful season.
God made rainy days so gardeners could get the housework done. ~Author Unknown

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