Tuesday, March 8, 2011

My Little Helper!

Noodles is checking out one of his catnip spots. He loves to eat catnip. He hunkers down and starts grazing. That is my garlic in the first pic in the upper left hand corner. It is so tall already. I am glad I put catnip in two places. This is his favorite spot, but I have seen him in the front bed too.
I went down into the ravine to dig up some daffodils and other bulbs the other day. Patty would not venture down there, but, of course, Noodles was right beside me. I had to cut my way through the honeysuckle and briars.
After I carefully replanted these bulbs with "good" dirt and composted horse manure, Patty decided it was time to eat the dried up horse manure. I had to run her out of that and clean out her mouth. Even though it is dried, it becomes wet in her mouth. It was gross.
And I found my first tick later that evening! March 4-first tick this year! Whew! You would think that winter would have killed them off.
Nothing else knew. Just wanted to post these pics of Noodles. He is such a good helper. Note that he is using his broken leg really well. We are approaching 4 months since the break. I think it is healing well. I saw he was limping a little more the other day, but probably just a habit now.
Patty has recuperated well from her heart worm treatment. She is still limited in her activity, but you would never know it the way she acts. She spends a lot of time outside now. She is really blossoming for an emotionally traumatized dog. I just have to keep an eye out that she does not head to the street. She has no concept of the danger that is there.
Have a good week. I start my Shibori dyeing class online tomorrow. So something to look forward to this week. I am really excited to learn something new. Until later, think warm and happy thoughts.

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