Tuesday, July 20, 2010

WeHow Long Until 2012?

Okay, I am going to go out on a limb and sound really weird. This is one strange summer. We have had over 8 inches of rain in July! This is July, the month when we have drought! We usually get around 5 inches in a month in April, the beginning of our rainy season.

Have you looked at the map lately and noticed the heat in on in Podunk, South Dakota! I don't think people in the far north or in the northeast have a/c. It is now the season of looking at the heat index. Again, living in the middle South means we count humidity as heat producing. I don't have to tell everyone it is just plain hot. I have to do any yardwork in stages and try not to overheat.

Baby has been back to the doctor again for a follow-up. I really thought she was getting better. She eats and drinks fine, she potties fine, and she has been outside more in the last few days. She is communicating more. She has not gained any weight back, and is still pretty bony.

Her bloodwork was not good. She has lost more ground on the platelets and her hematocrit. Her hemoglobin is fine now. The doctor and I had a very serious discussion about what I want to do. I think what hurts me is not knowing what else to do. I have to have some hope, and I have to be a "mommy" and try to keep her eating and comfortable and happy.

Dinner is almost done. I am going to close now. Be well, and be cool-wherever you live. I hope you have a/c.

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