I sometimes wonder about how Life catches up with us some times in the Spring. We had such a delightful warm spell that was then thrown aside for ugly cold weather. I will not complain about the rain, and with all the rain we are now in a moderate drought according to the map I looked at online.
We are promised warmer weather by Saturday and for a few days. Then another chill down. I am hoping that the major freezes are done. It isn't so awful when it is cool at night and early morning. As long as there is warm sun to sit in, I am fine with it.
Along with these changes, my forsythias have decided to open a few buds. The redbud trees are trying to open their pretty pinky purple buds. The pasture daffodils are finished. The henbit is still purple in the yards everywhere. The Bradford pears are all blooming. It is all very confusing.
With the seasonal confusion, it seems that everyone I talk to is having some kind of change in her life. It is very odd. One friend thinks perhaps it is a magnetic shift. I certainly don't want the poles to shift in my lifetime. But a lot of people have folks developing cancer and that is sad. It is certainly a time of changes.
I am now into my "beginning" panic stage. I actually have two weeks to be prepared. The three or four days before the show is errands run, hair cuts, etc. No time to make something.
My friend OS is visiting her cabins in Oklahoma for her Spring visit. I will call her tomorrow. I do not have much time to spend with her this trip. I hope she is understanding of that. My cousin is making his annual visit a week from this Saturday. So time to spend with him too. It is a busy month.
I am done with the knitting for this show. I think I have enough, if that is in fact real. How do you have enough? I am still trying to get the loom warped to make a cotton scarf. The weaving will not take long. I will just have to make a time to just do it. I am spinning bison/silk roving right now that is luscious. I have a goal set to complete the second bobbin by this weekend. Then the plying, washing, and blocking. That will probably be all I will have time to complete. I will see.
I was just standing at my west window admiring the sunset tonight. We haven't had many sunsets in the past week. It was a gorgeous deep pink, salmon, and gold. Really magnificent.
I ordered a Square to put on the IPad . I am anxious to try that out. It will be nice to take credit and debit cards.
Not much else is new. Patty found a composted veggie pile behind my neighbor's house. The cat ate the little chipmunk I had been admiring earlier that day. I thought he and Baby had eaten them all when I first moved in. I was so happy to see one. The woodchuck is happily eating greens from the bachelor buttons. Today he/she ran a squirrel off that was quite amusing while window watching.
I am ready to plant some sunflower seeds and other flower seed. I have to assure them that there is an end to the frost. I know that drought will get them if I don't get them planted soon and germinated. My little Japanese Indigo plants are slowly growing. I talk to them regularly. I have a bed prepared for them, but it will be a while before they are ready to transplant.
So no other news. I am just tired. I am ready to do something other than think about this show. I plan on resting for at least one week afterwards. Then time to plan the next show. But rest comes first.
The ball park down the street opened for the season tonight. That means fireworks on Friday nights. I guess that is surely a sign that seasons are changing.
Enjoy your weekend. Enjoy the heat and warmth from the sun. Yes, there are Spring storms planned, but right now I want to enjoy the heat.
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