Since Thursday we have had muggy, warm days with a chance of rain, but no rain. This morning I woke up around 6 am with the wind blowing the trees sideways and whipping things around in the yard. I was sound asleep, and I was jarred awake with a fear of a tornado. It was very loud. I grabbed my sweat pants and ran into the living room to turn on the t.v. There was the cute young weatherman telling us where the heaviest rain was, etc. No threats, according to him. I lay down on top of the bed with all my clothes on, you know, just in case. But I fell asleep again with the heavy, heavy rainfall.
So today is one of those freaky Spring days with all senses alert. It appears the major storm has blown over. Not much rain, but enough to calm the pollen for the morning.
I finished spinning the singles of the luxury yarn I wanted for a project. The batts were 50% alpaca, 25% milk, 15% silk, and 10% camel. Wow! It was great to spin. Very, very soft and easy to spin. I bought what the lady had at the show last year, and it was only close to 6 ozs. Not enough to do a lot, but combined with another yarn it will be just fine. It was very expensive, but "I am worth it".
It takes me two days to mow with the riding mower, mow with the push mower to trim edges and tight spots, and then weedeat. I get very tired, but I have to keep up or it will be a jungle. So I am not knitting much or doing much of anything but yard work. I am watering the potted plants already, and hopefully they will survive the drought when it comes.
My friend from north of Wichita had open-heart surgery last Monday. She went home on Saturday. I talked to her briefly in the afternoon, and she was hurting and not doing as well as she would like to be doing. I think she pushed them to release her too soon. I left her a message yesterday, but have not talked to her since Saturday.
My nephew has finally set a wedding date. It is too complicated to go into, but he and M. fought to have the wedding they wanted. The two mothers fought them and each other over what they wanted. I think he and M. won from the sounds of it. This is another couple in their mid-30's, and I think they should do what they want. I don't like the date, but it is not my choice. I just have to figure out if I can get there. It will be really expensive to fly, rent a car, and get a hotel room. We will see.
So not much is new. I haven't been sewing either, and so not much to report. I have to close the spare room, because Noodles has been sleeping on the quilt top I spread out on the bed. I am going to finish the backing and get that off to the quilter.
Have a good week. It is going to be another hot week here. Enjoy the pollen and Spring gifts in your bounty.
1 comment:
Your yarn blend, even though a mere 6 oz. does sound wonderfully exotic...I suppose because there's some camel woven into the mix.
I send all best for your friends timely and best recovery. I just returned from visiting my friend Ann who, last August, received an L-VAD apparatus...that's a Left Ventricul Assist Devise that keeps her heart pumping via a battery pack that she wears outside of her body. She is literally a bionic woman.
Thanks so much for your sweet and comforting words regarding my aging pups and their recent diagnoses...clearly these two dear ones know that they are loved and... with yummy food and the short walks that they can still do...all is well.
It's hot here too and I'm watering the pots '-)
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