Sunday, January 3, 2010

Wow! More Snow!

January brings the snow, makes our feet and fingers glow. Sara Coleridge
Yep! I woke up at 4 am and looked out the window! There was a good snow covering. I went back to bed, and woke up with even more snow. Sigh! I think it is pretty, but I ache in certain joints and I don't like being cold any more. I just have to make sure the bird feeders are filled. The cats are using their kitty potty now, so that has to be cleaned. They are in warm, toasty places right now, and do not want to be bothered.

So to more fun topics. This lovely yarn started out in a HUGE hank of roving that I bought in Tacoma last February. This is just the first skein. There are 398 yards in this skein. It weighs right at 4 ozs. I still have one more skein to do. Isn't it lovely? I love the greens, the turquoises, the blues, and the bits of white.
The blobby white spots are reflections of the flash. The white is very subtle and is often barber-poled with another color.

It takes a leap of faith to see the good in this mottled bit of roving. I just liked the colors, and I felt it would be pretty when it is spun. Truly-how can one mess up on merino? And I was right.
Another excitement is I started a jar of brazilwood soaking in denatured alcohol. I have this urge to use wood for some reason. I hesitate to even tell anyone what wood this is. The woman at LaLana Wools in Taos says it is getting to be difficult to get some of these exotic woods with the environmental concerns of the rainforest. I bought all they had. So I just put half in the alcohol, and it is soaking away. I have no idea what color I will get, but it will be pretty.
I also finished washing and blocking the alpaca. It is the gifted fleece at the regional alpaca show Thanksgiving weekend. It was really dirty, but it is nice now.
I am on the heel flap of the first sock. I am working on the lifetime blanket. Nothing else new. I have to get back to the Adult Surprise Jacket that was abandoned in the Fall. I think I am going to sew today. I have to finish the bindings on the two quilts before I start another one.
Next week is ROC Day. HandHeld is opening their doors on the 10th for us to celebrate. I kinda think more people come on the weekends rather than during the week nights. So Sunday it is. If it doesn't snow again. I know we are heading for single digits at the end of the week. YUCK!
So get excited about going back to normal schedule tomorrow. The holidays are over. It is time to just move on. If I put my blinders on, all this weather will be over soon.
Wow! Two cars have gone down the road while I am typing this. They are 4-wheel drive, but they are trying.
Happy Snow Day!

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