I think there is some sort of cosmic joke going on. Why is it warmer in Sitka, Alaska than here? We have been in the deep freeze until today. We finally hit 33 degrees! It is above freezing. The sun is shining brightly. And the wind is blowing cold, cold, cold air that freezes you when you walk outside. I have never seen so many people out as today. A huge gaggle of bicyclists went by my house a while ago!
We had our annual ROC Day celebration at HandHeld today. Only three or four folks showed up. It was very strange. The last two years we have had as many as 12 or 13 folks show up with wheels. Not today. My friend CF went with me and sat and knit on her socks. CP brought a yummy ginger preserves that she served over cream cheese. It was really good. I brought some homemade bread, and that cream cheese/ginger jelly tasted really good on the bread.
I have a very old bread cookbook that is separated by months. It has bread recipes that are appropriate for that month. This bread I made is called Fay's Spicy Batter Bread. It was pretty good. It will be good toasted. I gave CF a loaf to take home. She is my bread eater friend. I was just trying to get the kitchen warm yesterday, and that was a way to heat it up for a cause.
I guess nothing else is new. I picked up the Adult Surprise Jacket again and started on that again. I am determined to finish it, even though the love is gone. I am still working on a pair of socks. And the Lifetime Blanket continues to grow.
I am stalled out on the warping of the loom. The back beam is dressed, and I am now threading the heddles. Only there are 490 threads, and I got tired. Some day it will get done too.
I guess nothing else is new. Just the weather is finally breaking. I thought I would never be so happy to see 40 degrees. Our normal weather is supposed to be here next week. I hope so. I am tired of feeding the blackbirds and starlings.
I promise to be in a better mood next writing. Until then, keep warm.
1 comment:
I do feel so much for you folks that are getting the cold - in the NW, even here in the interior, it is not the usual winter.
I do, however, agree so much about the bread - a wonderful way to heat up one's house & make tasty "comfort" food at the same time.
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