Friday, December 11, 2009

The Tree Is Up!

My son is coming for a visit tonight. So being a guilty mom, I went out to get a tree. I bought a wonderful Austrian pine that I will plant next Spring. It is a good landscape tree, and I will plant it in the front yard. It was 40% off, so what the heck! Get a big tree. How many people do you know that have an angel made out of fleece? Not many, I bet! How else do we know this person likes fiber?
Nope-not the bear!

Ah! A spinning wheel! Nope-not one spinning wheel, but four spinning wheels on this tree!

And a sheep! Nope-not just one sheep either. This is one of four sheep sprinkled on the tree!
I also had the assortment of antique glass ornaments, my collection of handblown glass icicles, my clay bell and my clay star, and my old gingerbread man made out of cinnamon. Remember the ornaments made out of cinnamon and applesauce and baked? I have a nutcracker I bought in Germany. I have a bicycle. I have different wooden ones. You know-the usual odd assortment! I didn't even put all the ornaments up since I will take it down really soon to get the poor tree back outside. I just like to see the twinkling lights. Oh! The lights are icicles, too, that blink! I didn't put my dragonfly lights on the tree. Maybe next year.
Have a good weekend. Going to CJE and AE's house tomorrow night for the Wild Foods Party. It is our "family" reunion. Get to see folks that I haven't seen in a while. Lots and lots of food. And our entertainment is a slide presentation by different folks to show off what they did this year. I'm not too sure they really care to hear about my trips to Tacoma, Taos, or Mt. Magazine. Oh, well, Muggles are like that.

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