The ugly little gray ones are store-bought gloves that used to have elastic in the knitted wrist. It wore out a long time ago. All the fingers are knit in a row. I think this is what they call- "Plan for obsolescence. They can always buy more."
My challenge was to learn to knit gloves to fit. I have a small hand, my fingers are short, and I always go to children's gloves first.
I used left-over scraps of handspun wool, and this gave me a nice heavy glove. It fits, it is wonderful, and it is warm. All the criteria one could ask for in a glove. I am now working away to finish the second one.
I am also back to knitting on the lifetime blanket. I am back on my schedule of a minimum of two squares a day, and hopefully I will get back to three or four a day.
I do not have pics yet of my loot from our Christmas exchange on Saturday. I got a Spindolyn from CJE and a pair of sock blockers. Yeah! JE gave me a wonderful book of funny cat photos. Someone likes to dress up their kitties. Mine would never stand for that! I got kitty stitch markers and a cat shawl pin.
Yesterday was a day of cleaning house and straightening up. I do this on both Solstices. It makes me feel like I can spend time doing my fun stuff if I have a clean house. I even cleaned the carpeting. I have one of those little steam cleaners that do a nice touch up job. Sunday I spent the day organizing some of the spinning stash. I blended my bison with alpaca, and it is ready to go. I have 5 spinning projects lined up and ready to go. I just gotta spin.
Today is the last fairly nice day for a while. A new front(s) is moving in . I am going to meet one of my best buds for lunch, and do all my errands today. Then I will be ready for the cold and yuck. I can just sit and knit or sit and spin.
I better go if I am going to get to town in time. Later.
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