Sunday, August 2, 2009

Why Ignore The Facts? It's August!

Here is a little photo of the red, blue, and black yarn. I wanted a really blood red color, but will settle for this coral color. It does have some blue hints about it. The turquoise is turquoise. The black is a natural color. I haven't knitted a swatch yet. I am busy spinning the second skein. I am listening to a book on tape or to podcasts, and I am getting a lot of spinning done. I am thinking a pair of color-work socks would be nice with a black solid color. The Fayetteville Public Library has a unique MP3 player that is fully loaded with a book. When you check it out, all you have to do is add a battery and your own ear buds. I am listening to a book about a Native American child that survives a smallpox outbreak in her village and is adopted by another tribe. I also checked out a cozy mystery to listen to later.

I harvested the last of my potatoes this morning. Actually I never planted these. They were in the compost bin. Evidently some potatoes that I threw in there decided to make some babies. I saw the vine growing out of the bottom of the bin. So today I held my breath and dug around in the bottom of the bin and dug out my potatoes. They are nice and large. I also had to disturb several ant piles and some bugs that were working hard on the gross stuff in there. The potatoes were my best crops this year. Oh, so far, no one has attacked my watermelons. I am holding my breath.

I picked up the Surprise Jacket the other day. I finished my decreases and have started on my increases. It is hard to knit since the wool is bulky and coarse. It is old, old, old handspun that I overdyed. It reminds me of Fall leaf colors.

Nothing else new. I have been reading everyone's excitement about Sock Summit. It will be interesting to read about what everyone did there. The classes sound amazing. I just could not afford to fly to the Northwest again, and attend something this large. I blew my big wad going to Tacoma in February. How come everything this year is in the Northwest?

Well, I think I will eat a bite of lunch, and back to spinning. I stopped to clean up the kitchen after my excursion into the compost bin. I mostly let things go until I can't stand it any more. I do the dishes, but I let things pile up on the counters and the table. So that got de-cluttered and the floor got swept. I only laugh at the dye stains on the counter. There is nothing I can do about that.

Stay cool, and stay busy. But don't forget to sit down and relax when it gets hot. I leave you this weekend with pictures of the garden. A little sunflower and a little althea flower to brighten your day.

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