I cannot believe it is already the end of July. I guess I am having fun, because it is going by fast.
Something has eaten all my corn. Corn is kinda hard to get these days. I notice that the roadside vendors do not have corn, and the big local pick and eat place does not have corn. My neighbor went to the big place the other day to get corn, and Mr. V told him that coyotes had torn up the whole crop. My little crop went down a week or so ago, and something ate the cobs while they were green. Saturday when I walked out to the car, I found squash that had been broken open and nibbled. Not completely eaten, just nibbled. I left weeds around the watermelons to hide them, but I guess when they smell ripe they are prime suspects. I felt like it was probably raccoons or possums. One of my friends blame my woodchucks. Another blames the squirrels. And my neighbor blames the coyotes. (We do have coyotes) It doesn't matter-the stuff is gone.
Knitting has been sporadic. I have been moving along on the sock, but I picked up the Life Time Blanket the other day and started making little squares again. The handspun square is too thick and makes things catawampus. I don't want to take it out, but it bothers me. I try to pet it down and smooth it out. We'll see.
We have started a new sock club at my LYS. We had our first meeting Sunday. I call the group SSK - Sunday Sock Knitters. We will meet once monthly on the last Sunday of the month. We had a nice group, and everyone was knitting. We developed several good ideas of what we would like to do with this group. We are going to do some charity knitting-socks for children in need. The LYS is the depot for Knitting for Noggins, a charity for The Children's Hospital in Little Rock. So we will be doing two charities this Fall. In January we will start a Mystery Sock, which should be a fun thing to do. We had good eats, as usual. Since there was so much food, we are going to limit it to two volunteers each month to bring food. That should cut down on the quantity.
I had my friend from Jasper here this weekend. A friend of ours fell off a ladder and shattered his hip. He was not a candidate for surgery, so he is in a nursing home until it heals. They are saying a minimum of three months; he says he is not staying there that long. So CF and I went to visit him on Saturday. She took cookies and I took local peaches. One of his children brought in a small refrigerator for his snacks and pop. Another one bought a 4 inch foam mattress to put on the bed. So he is getting a lot of attention right now. It is funny that no one checked on him when he is at home-they just called to make sure he was okay. It is good that now everyone is there for him.
CF and I rearranged my living room again for the umpteenth time. I have gotten rid of so much furniture and stuff that what is left is very heavy. It does take two of us to move it. I am planning on getting my girlfriend's weaving loom soon, and I wanted to make room for it. I knew I couldn't move the furniture, and she is always happy to help with that.
Also I bought one of those portable sheds that are a steel frame and a tarp covering. It has a covering on all four sides. I started putting it together, and I had a hard time fitting the pipes together. I just about tore up my rubber mallet beating the pieces together. But I was proud of myself for doing it. Then my neighbor's grandson helped me put the side poles together and put it upright. CF and I would never have been able to do that. It took all my strength to keep up with the 18 y.o., but I did. CF and I put the tarp covering on, and that was the hardest part. We had to take some of the pipes out, and adjust the straps of the covering around and it was very HARD to do. I mean-I put the pipes in to stay the first time. But two old ladies did it! We got it finished. I just have to fasten it down to the ground and it's complete. I will put a picture up later.
The grass is getting out of hand. We are having a rain event this week, and I mentioned Saturday I needed to mow before the rain started. It started yesterday. I thought it wasn't coming until tonight. Well, too late. It is sopping wet outside, and dew is very heavy in the mornings when it is coolest. The humidity is up, of course. If it will dry out a little today, I will try to get the front mowed. This is truly the weirdest summer weather.
The weeds are gaining ground. I have given up trying to get control. I just sigh and shake my head. The birds like the seed, but it is awful looking. It makes things look really wild and woolly.
I guess that summarizes this week. It has been busy. There are some days I just has to sit and knit. Or read. Then the rest of the time I have to get out and do stuff. I have no choice. I am the sole do-it person here. The next project is clean out the shed. UGH!
Oh-and I am steaming the wallpaper off the guest room. That is a MESS! And I am in no hurry to do that. But it has to go-it is really ugly. And old.
So until later.
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