Monday, April 20, 2009

New Friends!

I went to CJ's house for our Saturday knit day with JE. As I passed this farm I noticed that the llamas haven't been sheared yet. So after some lunch, we went to meet the neighbors. The owners of this little family just moved here from Wisconsin six months ago. They are leasing this farm until they can find their own place.
The male's coat is sunburned, but the owner said it is a bluish color underneath. The young'un's coat is sumptuous dark chocolate and cream. Mom's is a lighter brown and lots of cream. They are shearing on the 27th-next Monday.
I was told that they blow on you as a greeting, and since I haven't really been super-duper close to a llama before, I was forewarned. I did not know that it is not a soft blow-like from a horse. This was a forceful, full-diaphragmed blow through the nostrils. Think yoga breathing to the max.
But they remained close by, and appeared to be very curious about us. It is good to know your fiber neighbors.
I am steadily knitting on my surprise jacket and my summer tank top. Since the tank top is only stockinette right now, it's boring. So I can hardly contain myself to get knitting on my baby stuff. I have three washcloths I can give her right now. Because it is so lacy and cute, I want to do the EZ February baby sweater. I also want to do some socks. But I am trying to hold myself back and work on my boring project. It's hard.
I listen to podcasts on Sundays and spin. Yesterday I have to say my favorite podcast was Y Knit. They are so comical and I would love to meet both of them. The main part of the podcast was the interview from last October of The Yarn Harlot while she was there on her book tour. It sounded like a conversation between Mike and Stephanie instead of an interview.
I also listened to a new podcast that was really interesting. Her name is Marly and she interviewed Linda (?) from Wild Fiber Magazine. There is now movement afoot for the U.N. Year of Fiber. Linda has organized a project called The World's Longest Scarf. It is a fundraising project for Heifer International. One of the purposes of the year of fiber is to educate people about the plight of people who raise fiber animals for sustainability. Linda actually went to Italy and talked to the man in charge of the proposal in 2007. She proposed that they make a documentary project that would show over several weeks of different countries and different practises of raising fiber animals. Well, that never happened, so she thought why re-invent the wheel. Heifer International is already doing work with these people, so why not do something to help them out. Thus this project was born. If you are interested in participating go to Keep The I think it is a neat idea. I think it is an international project and the goal is to earn $250,000. Which I think is doable. Once people get behind this, money will start coming in.
Linda also has organized a contest to make something out of natural fibers. The info is on the Keep The Fleece web page. She mentioned a remarkable ballet outfit that she has seen made of felted bison in the bustier, and a long ballet skirt with tulle and bison fibers. My only thought when she was describing it was "God, it must be hot to dance in that thing!" But I bet it is beautiful.
At last the sun has appeared. This means I can get the yard dried over two days and mow again. The trees are slow to put out their green. I think the ice storm was very traumatic to them. It seems to me that this is the longest April in a long time. It has been cold and wet a LOT. No real warm days to get the seeds and garden going. Maybe this week that will happen. It's supposed to be in the 70's I think. I really need to weed the front flower bed. It appears the weeds are winning over the seeds I put out. Maybe this week will boost the little seeds to get going.
And maybe the potatoes are going to push on out. I hope not too much rot there with all the cold/wet stuff we've had.
Nothing else to report. Have a good week.

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