The front bed is beginning to sprout some of the seeds I planted. It is also sprouting weeds and grass faster than I can get it out. The pink azalea is almost done. It is fading and dropping petals. The other azalea on the other end of the house is holding it's buds tightly, and what few have bloomed appears to be white. They both need feeding and some nurturing.
And I got gravel put in for my driveway. I didn't really like the way the curve goes to the carport, but that's the way it got dropped from the truck. My neighbor was nice enough to smooth it out with his tractor. Today while mowing, I decided to be okay with the curve of the driveway. It breaks up the monotony of the long, rectangular front yard. This fall I am going to plant trees or tall shrubs, but that's a long way off.
All of my herbs I brought with me on the move survived. I am very pleased with them. Noodles ate the catnip down to nubs, so I planted some more. My Solomon Seal is doing much better in the front yard than the back, but both locations survived. My water iris and regular iris are putting on lots of green.
Knitting has been put on hiatus. I just haven't been in the mood. I fell down a week ago and my hand still hurts a little bit. Last night I did pick up one project and knit about one hour. I have been reading my crazy fast reading speed. I have read two books in ten days.
I think I am going to visit my friend in Jasper for a coupla days. I need to get away and not do anything for a coupla days. If I don't do that I will start some other project that I don't need to do right now. She has a knitting problem, and she was going to wait until we see each other to fix that. So now is as good a time as any. I think I just want to go to the mountains and check on things.
It is always a little bit cool around the first of May, and then it gets really HOT! And that seems to be what is happening now. Yep! I finished just in time. It is time now to just maintain what I got.
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