Well, this has been an interesting few days. I have been knitting, of course, and spinning, of course, but I have been doing a little bit of yard work. Two of my neighbors borrowed my truck and got a load of horse manure. I am a little bit happy that we are having the massive rain today to help soak in the manure in the itty bitty garden spot. It feels good to be looking at a few little bitty flowers blooming, grass is beginning to green. Weeds are popping up!
One neighbor came over Friday evening with some fresh eggs. I have good neighbors, although we do leave each other alone for the most part.
Saturday morning we had our spinning guild meeting. There were perhaps 10 of us there. We had an interesting program. Each of us had to tell how we began spinning and to bring something from the beginning. There were about half and half of oldies and newbies. It was a good thing to do. It helps us get to know each other and to see how we spin. And it shows the newbies that it only gets better as you keep spinning along.
It was really weird weather, too, on Saturday. Friday was one of those warmish days, and suddenly it was one of those foggy, chilly, and not-yet-Spring days. Remember last month when I showed you the pictures of the fog during the spinning guild meeting? Well, it wasn't that bad except up on the mountain top. But it was definitely chilly. Stupid me, I only wore a sweater, and I turned up the heater in the truck.
Yesterday I had to do my once a week stuff in the city. I went by the Social Security office, and I am soooooo happy I had my sock knitting in my bag. I got a lot of that done waiting. And waiting. Then I went to do a little bit of shopping. Then I went by one of my elder friend's house to visit and deliver some fresh greens from the garden. Then I went to the library. And then I went by the knit shop. Colleen was busy cooking corned beef and cabbage with potatoes and carrots. Joy was busy putting up new stuff. It is too overwhelming when they get all this new stuff in. I can't take it in all at once. My friend CJ and her husband were there shopping. They had come to town for a funeral, and she wanted him to see the shop. So he bought her some really yummy yarn. Then Tracey came in, and we sat down to knit and talk. Before you know it, folks started wandering in for the knit group. Tracey left to go to a pub crawl with some friends.
I am going to teach a dye workshop in June, and Joy ordered some new dyes that I am going to try out. It is called Culinary Colors. It appears to be the usual chemical dye, but prepared in such a way anyone can dye. It is pre-mixed, so no masks or measuring powders. Then you mix this pre-mix with some water and vinegar, paint it or dye your yarn, and set in the microwave for 5 minutes. Easy-peasy! I'll try it out on some fleece first. If there is a major boo-boo, I can mix it or blend it with something. Once I am comfortable, I will try some yarn. I have to admit I am not any good at yarn dyeing. I like to dye my fleece and then spin it. So we'll see how it goes.
I thought I would leave you with this pretty little Irish blessing. I missed St. Patrick's Day, except for the corned beef and cabbage, so here's to you and yours:
May you always have
Walls for the winds,
A roof for the rain,
Tea beside the fire,
Laughter to cheer you,
Those you love near you,
And all your heart might desire
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