Well, my little rain guage goes to 5 inches, and then with the lip you can probably add another .5 inches. It was overflowing when I emptied it at around 5:30 p.m. yesterday. And today there is another 1.5 inches in it. I have a new green garden bucket-you know, the old pickle bucket- and it is about two-thirds full. I put the garbage out on the road, and the open garbage can had a half of the can of water. There is a big rock in the bottom to hold it down, but still- half a garbage can of water!
At least we did not have any tornadoes here. There was one further south that did some major damage. I saw a picture of sheer wind damage of a trampoline wrapped around a utility pole. Last night I had a hard time going to sleep because of the wind noises. The last time I looked at the clock was 2:00 a.m. Normally the cats are my guages. If there is anything wrong, I feel the change in their little bodies and it wakes me up. Last night they were both in hidey places and did not come to bed with me. I was on my own.
I also noticed that the weather is cooler. A lot cooler! It definitely feels like an Easter to me. I don't care how warm every day is up to Easter, Easter is always cold. And it doesn't matter when Easter is, either. The other thing is a cool snap in the early days of May. By that time I have begun to warm up and then wham! it is cool. Once that is over-it is HOT! Strange isn't it?
I have begun block number 12!!!! Yeah! Go Lizard Ridge, Go Lizard Ridge, Go Lizard Ridge!!!!
I listened to a free video on a gourd decorating technique. I learned so many little things that it was amazing. I don't think I will ever decorate one like she did, but I loved listening to the techniques. I guess this is going to be my summer project. I also want to weave some baskets with honesuckle or Kudzu.
I am still spinning the black/white Alpaca yarn. It is really pretty and really nice. I am thinking that I like the colorway so much that I might blend some black Alpaca with some white Merino. We'll see. I really do like the black/white combo. I also have some reddish Alpaca that I want to blend with some dog hair that I think would be spectacular. We'll see.
Nothing else new. I want to get some photos of the floods. It is so amazing!
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