My company for Christmas decided to not drive up here. It was a pleasant, quiet day spinning. I listened to an audiobook from the library. A roast was in the crock pot. Then a very pleasant surprise.
The Post Office delivered the yarn that I purchased from Weaving Southwest. So if one believes in Santa Claus, it happens. Isn't that a marvelous surprise?
So I smelled it, I fondled it, and now I am seriously considering what to make with it. Some reason is driving me to look at a very old book on Bargello patterns. I like that idea for now. I have to do some sketches.
The weather man has been promising all week that the weekend is going to be flooding rains. It was supposed to begin late this morning. Well, it was raining when I got up this morning. It has been thunder booming a lot for over an hour. We have had gushing rain and more thunder. It is here.
So maybe I will just stay right here and spin some more yarn.
I have been doing boring stockinette stitch with my knitting. I am making a Sockhead Hat. Very easy, very tedious-ly boring, but it will certainly be cute. I am also knitting the first sleeve on the sweater. So I have been looking at interesting color stranded projects. I don't want a long, long project. I found a pair of fingerless mitts that looks like a fun project. I did copy that pattern. I don't need another hat, but I sure have seen some cute ones. Hmmm?
So I have a wild kitty that has been coming in the cat door to eat all of Noodles dry food. I try to remember every night to lock the door, and I put out food for him. I think it is a "him" since he stinks up the place. I haven't seen any sign of his spraying, but he has a certain odor that lingers behind him. He has been sneaky enough to come in while I am listening to the t.v. Noodles spent a lot of time last night gazing out various windows and going out on the screened porch. So he is around somewhere.
I am glad the Christmas insanity is over. Some stores already have Valentine's Day decorations. Isn't that the most insane thing? I am tired of all the ads and the pleas from charities. I understand people are sappy at this time of year, but please leave me alone.
So, onward through the winter time. So far this December our weather has been very strange and unusual. I think that is true most everywhere. I am still looking at the next three months. I am not going to complain that we have had warmish weather with sunshine. I like that so much more than ice and snow. I guess I am getting to be a grumpy old woman.
One more week until 2016 rolls into town. Luckily for us the days are minutely longer each day since Solstice.
Happy New Year ahead of time.
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