I am highly allergic to mold. It always comes this time of year. First thing to do when Autumn arrives is get more antihistamines. Ragweed finally gets everything out of its system, and then along comes leaf mold. Yay! My favorite. When I was little my mother always, always got either sinus infections or bronchitis in the Spring and in the Fall. For many years the doctors could never figure it out. Finally as medicine expanded it was discovered she was allergic to the chemical that makes leaves grow out and leaves to die. Whatever that chemical is that tells trees to get ready-change is coming!
She was also very allergic to formaldehyde. Guess what was a component of new dress materials in the 1950's and 1960's. It was in the dyes.
Anyway I am now taking my antihistamines daily. This will last through October. It's okay. It isn't permanently debilitating.
I finally have reached the end of the Sanquhar scarf. I am so over knitting this thing. I still am not half-way, but I tried it on the other day to just see how long it has become. I then realized that no one in his right mind would ever wear a 22 inch wide scarf that is doubled because it is knitted in the round. We do not live in northern Europe, Siberia or Antarctica. It has now become a long pillow form. I am presently knitting a band on one end. Somewhere along the way I will knit buttonholes on one side. I am going to seam up the other end. I will make a pillow form for the innards. And I will not do anything like this again.
I am 1 1/2 inches along the linen stitch scarf. I love the colors. It is going to be really, really nice.
I put the sweater down to finish up the one project. No news on that. Just stockinette stitching.
For the first time in forever I am not spinning anything.
I have finished my practice piece on the tapestry loom. I am now taking an online course by Rebecca Mezoff on Color Gradation. I have been watching videos and reading the PDF's. Now I need to practice some of her techniques before I go on. I am really learning a lot. I am also in the process of finding weaving yarns. I no longer have a weaving stash. I think I am going to thin out the knitting stash. I probably have more yarn than I can knit in this lifetime. It would be good to get rid of some of it.
The weather is typical for our Fall. It is coolish in the evenings. We have a few nights of 40's. The days have been pleasant in the 70's. Suddenly we are having a heat wave and in the 80's. The ceiling fans are going again. Windows open at night. No wonder people get sick.
Noodles loves the cooler weather. He is catching wood rats right now. He doesn't have good teeth, so he can't eat the whole thing like he used to. He did a good job on the little vole the other night.
I have three bird feeders and the suet feeder going again. Sigh! They are so spoiled. Of course, the squirrels are ecstatic about it all. The stupid rats chewed on the wood on the newly painted porch railing.
So nothing new and exciting. I also got a Craftsy class on Quilting as You Piece. I like that concept. I might get something done. I have really not been faithful to my sewing. I did repair a torn pair of work pants the other.
So it seems I am preparing myself for the winter months. I just can't get my mind in the right place. The few overcast, gloomy days we have had send me spiraling down. I do this every year. Once I get to Winter Solstice I try to psyche myself by telling myself the days are getting longer every day. By March I am screaming to get outside. I need light. It's a cycle a lot of people go through I know.
I am writing again. I found a poem I wrote some time ago. I found a short story that I thought I finished had not been finished. So I am writing again. It feels nice to sit down and live in someone else's brain for a while.
Craft fairs are happening this month. Camping is happening this month. Lots of activities to get involved in. Have a safe transition into Full Fall as the cooler weather transitions.
And hope that we all make it out of Mercury in Retrograde soon.
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