The weather is trying to decide if it wants to be warmish or coolish. It is the usual preFall that occurs in my part of the world. Now we are in a coolish state with lots and lots of rain. A few thunders occurred, but mostly rain. I actually turned the heater on to 68 today. It is cool, damp and not very comfortable on old bones.
I am frantically trying to prepare for next weeks fiber show in Missouri. I am not going to spin another bit of fluff until after the show. I am tired of spinning fluff. Well, not really, but I wanted to be a little bit dramatic. I have some really pretty yarns, and I hope they sell well. I know that some of them will make something nice if they don't sell. It may be a very nice winter for knitting.
I have been on the selling binge for the book too. Ugh. I hate this part of writing a book. It is a given that it has to be done, but UGH!
My friend CJE gave me some chicken the other day. Someone had given them a huge amount of chicken for the freezer, so shared part of her booty. Yesterday I baked a HUGE chicken for my evening meal. Last evening I pulled all the meat off and packaged it for the freezer. I then transferred the bones, gristle and bits into a pot for boiling. I want to have some broth on hand for this winter. I always like to be prepared for winter viruses. I like to have chicken broth and chicken on hand to make soups. Call me weird, but I find homemade chicken broth and soup the one thing that gets me through a stomach virus.
I have been buying extra canned goods for the pantry for winter preparation. Each week that I go to grocery store, I buy a can of this and a can of that. I have been waiting to go to Aldis or to the Bent and Dent store for my major buying for the pantry. I scored Thursday at the grocery store. They had generic canned pumpkin for $1 a can. I bought three. I love pumpkin and I eat it all year round. Not just for pie, but for all kinds of things.
It is time to start buying tomato soup too. I like to drink soup for lunch, and my favorite is creamy tomato. I put it in a cup, heat it in the Microwave, and lunch is ready.
I went through a bleak period of not wanting to knit. I got over it. I am now starting a plain simple top down raglan cardigan. I figured it will not take me too long to get it done. I like it so far.
I also started a pair of knitted slippers for my friend DA. He wants them for his brother in Wisconsin. I normally do not do this kind of knitting-meaning on demand for a specific project. I hope he likes them, because this is it. No second chances.
I have been tired of Netflix-not much variety right now. I have been watching PBS video of past shows. I also have been listening to books on tape from the library. These two get me through.
I realize I have not been in my sewing room for a while now. I have two quilts that I started in early 2013 and never finished. I have got to get myself into a better place and get some of my past projects finished and completed. I shake my head and chastise myself, but I don't get it done.
The leaves are started to turn a little bit. The ornamental trees have started to be deep maroon/purplish across the road. My neighbors Bradford pears are turning red and yellow. The hardwoods are slowly showing some yellow. Soon it will be really pretty around here. The last hurrah.
I have to finish pricing my yarn, go through all my other inventory of "stuff", wash and iron the cover for the table, and finish making the postcards I designed instead of business cards. I am a little nervous, but not over the top yet.
I noticed that Oct., Nov, and December are going to be long months. My friend CF does not understand it. She tells me they still have the same number of days as always. What difference does it make how many weeks there are or weekends. I know it is illogical, but when I look at the calendar I see long months ahead.
Not anything else to report at this time. I haven't knit a single pair of new socks in a long, long, time. I am thinking waffle pattern. I found an easy waffle pattern that will not take much thinking. After I get these slipper socks made, I think I will cast on.
Stay warm and stay dry. It's going to be raining for a coupla more days.
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