I am so happy to say I am almost well again. I have been sick since May 14, and I never, ever have been sick like this before. I awoke at 3 am and started vomiting and had severe pain in my stomach, upper gut area. It stayed very, very severe for 5 days, and then the vomiting stopped. I finally went to a doctor, and if anyone knows me, that is like signing a death warrant. I had blood tests, a urinalysis, and an ultrasound. The urinalysis showed I had a bladder infection, but I was so not believing that with all the other problems I had. But I did take my round of antibiotics, as ordered. I never had any symptoms before, so I don't have any symptoms now. All the other tests were normal. So was this a gallbladder attack as I suspected? Who knows. I know I don't have any gallstones, so that is positive.
So everything I have been doing since has been to improve my diet, get lots and lots of rest, and just be aware of my body.
Then on top of all that, I started having severe pain in one of my back molars on the lower jaw. I had a repair done last November, and I guess it decided to fail. After an emergency visit to my dentist, he said I needed to go to an oral surgeon to get further help. So now that I am better, I can schedule that this week.
And my knitting has not been visited much in this past few weeks. I think I have slept mostly through everything. I did finish the BFL yarn and I started on the pink stuff. But sitting in that position is difficult, and I have to monitor the pain in my back and go back to bed.
On a happy note, a friend JH has a wonderful husband making her a spinning wheel. I have mentioned this before. He came by Friday to check some more measurements, and to pick my brain a little bit. In our conversation I mentioned I needed to make some templates for shibori dyeing. He went to a friend that has a laser computerized machine and I now have 126 new templates. I can hardly believe it. JH and LH came by yesterday and gave them to me. I am so thrilled to have them. They are heavy, thick, clear industrial strength plexiglass. They even etched the size of shape on the piece so I don't have to guess or stop to measure them.
Last night I started thinking up design ideas and pulled out my silk pieces. But now I really, really want to get an indigo vat going. It is finally into our summertime pattern, and I don't have to worry about fluctuating temps.
This Spring has had the worst storms in a long, long time. I am so thankful that I only got minor damage to my roof. I did get a new roof put on in the midst of all this illness. It looks very pretty, so let's hope it stays that way for many years. NO MORE HAIL!
My garden is flourishing, but it is very weedy. I have tried to go out and pull weeds, and to weed-eat some. But I don't last long. You know that commercial where the guy is up in the tree and shakes it to make a limb fall on your car? Well, I am now saying, "Shaky, Shaky. Time to quit." I am normally one to keep working until the project is completed.
I cleaned my little screened porch, and it is so pleasant to sit out there. It is like a little secret place to read, or do needlework. I am having a thing with a big, ole spider that seems to think it is her territory, but she understands that I bigger and meaner. But for the most part, she is never around. I just like to sit out there and listen to the birds.
I have a downy woodpecker and orioles that are feeding on the hummingbird feeder. I have had a major slowdown on hummingbirds, so I pulled one of the feeders so I don't waste sugar water.
A pair of brown thrashers have moved into the neighborhood and they are almost as pesky as mockingbirds.
So not a whole lot going on right now. I am laying low, and trying to stay focused on health. I will try to be more of blogger as I get my strength back. I am having to focus on just getting the riding mower mowing done. The trimwork has fallen behind. But those are not big issues, except to my neighbor who has a pristine yard.
Stay well and stay healthy. I am finally back in the world again.
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