Tuesday, July 6, 2010

It's Tuesday-I Think!

To us, family means putting your arms around each other and being there. - Barbara Bush

I have written a few times about my "family" that is my chosen family. I have been in this family a short 20 years, but most of the "family" have known each other a whole lot longer. Last week one of our family members died suddenly of a heart attack. As with blood families, our family gathered to be with C. Last night we had a final potluck and get-together at AE's and CJE's house. When she arrived with another woman friend, we were gathered in the kitchen. She said she was finally going home and it would be the first time she had been alone since B. died. It was then she would allow herself to "fall apart" and do all her crying. She has not allowed herself to do that yet, and it was a little bit sad.

C brought a bottle of wine that B had made, and everyone did toast his memory. And CJE added, "And to his good taste in women."

It was another peaceful, wonderful dinner of roasted chicken, beans, salad, deviled eggs, my cranberry/orange relish, roasted veggies, and various other goodies. We sat on the deck until almost 10pm.

On the way home I followed TK and VK in their van. We stopped about a mile down the road, and it was for a pair of fledgling owlets. They were adamant that they were not going to move until VK got out to take pictures. She was standing right next to them and they finally flew off to the side.

Today I decided to mow the yard before another rain came. It actually has only spit little droplets a coupla times, but the yard is mowed. I haven't done the trim work, but the big job is done.

CJE had cousins visit over the holiday weekend. I got there a little bit early so we could talk and knit a little bit. She mentioned that it is really difficult-what do you talk about with family members that only see each other occasionally?

I thought of that last night as we were sitting on the deck. I really don't have a lot in common with some of our "family". Yet we always seem to enjoy being with each other and we always care about each other.

Baby is still sick. I am really worried about her. She seemed to be getting better, but today she has been laying around and acting really lethargic again. It's like two steps forward, one step back. Noodles has been sitting really close to me all day. If I am in the chair, he sits on the arm of the chair. Right now I am sitting on the chaise lounge and he is lying next to me.

We still have beetles, although the stupid things are decreasing. I walked out on the porch to sweep the front walk after mowing. Grasshoppers were hopping everywhere. Great! More bugs!

I have had quite a number of goldfinches, rosy finches, and indigo buntings in the front flower bed eating seeds. They love the sunflowers, but are eating all seeds. If only I could convince them they need to eat grasshoppers.

Well, I have started yawning. I need to get up and get moving around some. I better take Patty out to pee before too long. I am trying to get her on a schedule, but she seems to have her own ideas about things. There won't be too many pictures of her for a while. The haircut I gave her was pretty pathetic.

Today would have been my mother's 86th birthday had she lived! It is my niece's 28th birthday. I still remember when my brother called Mother and said he had a beautiful birthday present for her. We were voting in our little home town, and Mother had to tell everyone there.

So have a good week. Be safe and stay dry and stay cool. The heat is here to stay for a while.

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