Monday, May 11, 2009

Kudos for Northwest Arkansas Weaving Guild

In 1986 19 weavers from the guild made this coverlet. One of the weavers injured her arm during the time of the weaving, and she cross stitched the name of the weaver and the pattern name for identification on the back. Someone else finished her woven piece.
Twenty-three years later, this coverlet was completed after two years of work. There were only 14 weavers for this one. It is quite a bit smaller, but oh! so lovely. One of the members even made a booklet to accompany the coverlet to identify the pattern and weaver. What is so striking is the smaller patterns do not show up far away, but up close they are stunning! This coverlet also has a Blooming Leaf of Arkansas square, and that is so appropriate. Another member wove the outside band in one long strip, and another sewed it to the coverlet like a binding on a quilt with mitered corners. Another person wove the bands in between in a double weave-white on the front and blue on the back. A long-awaited labor of love.
Yesterday was a must-clean day for me. I decided to finally sort through all the papers I have been saving and not sorting and putting in a big ole pile. I first cleaned out the file cabinet. That was a load to the burn barrel there. Then I transferred all the patterns I had in file folders in a milk crate into the top file drawer. After another trip to the burn barrel, I started putting personal files in the bottom drawer. Then I started sorting through piles on the floor. It was a chore that was long overdue.
I also put some skeins out on the yarn blocker to dry. I washed three pairs of winter woolly handknit socks and left on the deck to dry. It is time to put socks away for the season. I had already stored hats and gloves, but delayed the socks because it is still chilly.
Today I have been sewing on a quilt that is cut and ready to sew. I love, love, love the fabric, and it is the inspiration for a color-theme for the guest room. I want to see how the top looks after I piece it before selecting colors for the walls.
I have also been working on the Lifetime Blanket. It is soothing to me to knit these little squares that grow and I love the colors of the thing. It is so scrappy. It is "mac-and-cheese and mashed potatoes with gravy" soothing. Just comforting.
Speaking of comforting. Noodles likes the box that I am recycling. It was full of "stuff" I sorted through yesterday. Wednesday it is gone to the waste management site, but today it is a cute place to spread out.

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