Monday, March 2, 2009

Finally It's March!

Why is it that February is the shortest month, but it always feels like the longest month? March came in with a little bitty snow and we are heading for a warm-up this week. This is kinda like an oxymoron since there is always a chill in the air from wind, but the temps are warmer.
When I lived in Little Rock (which is way warmer than here) we always celebrated the Snow Tire and Daffodil Festival. This was a cute article by a journalist for the Arkansas Gazette. Richard always knew when the first daffodils appeared, there would always be a snow. I thought of that this weekend when it was snowing like crazy, and the daffodils are still blooming.

I finished this little hat. The color is true. The pattern is Syncopated Caps by Kate Gilbert. It was in Interweave Knits, Summer 2007. On Ravelry, one person said it is just a little bit short of the ears, and that she added an extra row of pattern. I did the same, and it fully covers below the ears and to my neck in the back. It is to my eyebrows in the front. Just a tad bit too long. But it is an easy pattern to do. I limped along at first. But once I got my rhythm, I just chugged along with it. I made a promise to myself that I would finish this during the weekend, and I finished last night.
I couldn't get a decent pic of the pattern. I used Jitterbug for the yarn. It is the right weight for this hat. I used a variegated contrast yarn, and that is the purply color you see. When I started it I didn't like it. But I was determined to finish with it. I kinda thought this is a flower garden, and not all the flowers are blooming. Anything to keep from just ripping out the damn thing.
March is a wonderful month. It is the last major month for winter. April can still bring snow, ice, or freezing rain. But it is short lived. And in April the redbuds and dogwoods bloom. In March we usually get serviceberry blooming, and it is a spark of hope on the mountain sides. I am always hopeful by April. It is just getting through whatever March can bring.
I am going to plant a few things this week in my little garden. I will spend some time outside this week trying to get the last of the clean up finished, and the beginnings of garden started. I am trying to enjoy the warm while it is here.
This is also the beginnings of cat-hair-shedding season. I started grooming with the deshedder comb yesterday. I usually groom Baby daily, since she has a rabbit coat that is soft and thick. I forget that Noodles sheds faster with his short, stiff coat. I got two handfuls of shed hair yesterday from him alone. They seem to be rolling more in the dirt and dragging in more dusty stuff to deposit in the house.
I did get my spinning space picked up and straightened up this weekend. I will usually get to a certain point on the messy scale, and then I stop and pick up. I straighten and put things away. It is a wonderful feeling to have things neat again. It will last about two days.
I found a neat thing yesterday. It is called "New Mexico Fiber Arts Trails". Evidently New Mexico has gotten behind it's fiber artists and fiber farmers and has produced a 66 page brochure that gives maps, description of artist and studios, and farms on a trail system divided into North Central, Northwest, and South. It is totally fascinating and interesting to look through. Since I am going back to Taos for the Wool Festival in October, I am going to map out some places I want to be. I know some of these people will be at the festival as vendors, but I usually make a trip to LaLana Wools, Rachel Brown's place, and I have been to Los Ojos once. I have been to some of the smaller weaver places in Chimayo 3 times. I am not really fond of the big touristy places. I like to just explore. It will be fun since I am going with two fiber buddies.
So let's start off March like a lion and get moving along here. There is work to do and things to explore and mess to clean up. I never do Spring cleaning, but I like to air out the house. I also like to wash blankets and quilts and put them outside to dry. I like to air rugs. I like to air pillows. It is time to let in some clean air, and get rid of the stale old stuff we have been breathing all winter. Enjoy your week! Be back later.

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