Friday, December 19, 2008

It's Time To Celebrate The Season!

Don't you just love singing carols along with the music. It's easy to imagine that I am singing on key and in sync with the person singing the song. This is only done in the privacy of my own home. Some carols still make me cry-like "Mary, Did You Know?"- and some just make me feel season-y.

As promised-here are the pics of the shawl I finished. Isn't it pretty?

It actually started with a pattern, but then I couldn't figure out some of the pattern stuff, and I just started doing my own thing. I kinda figured I'd just keep adding onto the wings and I would get to a stopping point some time. Then I started thinking about the border. So I found a nice border I liked in Folk Shawls that is a knitted-on border. I liked that it was just a ten row repeat-easy for me to remember. So I stopped when I got to a number that was divisible by ten. I think that was around 330 stitches. I used 6 balls of Taos, a wool for Crystal Palace. Warning-the yarn does bleed. When I blocked it, I actually soaked it in Kookaburra wool wash, then stretched it out. I decided not to use pins or wires since it was garter stitch. The border really didn't need to be stretched either.
So we've had a really cold spell-below freezing for three days straight-with wind. Now it is in the 50's with a south wind. Why are people getting sick all around you? One might ask that, but it is pretty evident. Now we are gearing up for an even colder beginning of next week. Single digits at night. Below freezing during the day. There is a slight promise of maybe snow on Christmas Eve. But Christmas Day is another warm-up day. Go figure!
I am busy knitting a color-stranded hat and my friend's husbands socks. Nothing else going on. I have one more get-together tomorrow, and that's it. The Spinning Guild is having their party and gift exchange tomorrow up on Boston Mountain.
Colleen-co-owner of HandHeld Knitting-is hosting a launch for our knit-a-long cardigan/jacket found in Simply Shetland 5 on December 28. I just can't decide about it. I just don't feel like I want to invest a LOT of money, and I am trying to plan knits with my handspun yarn right now. I have a week to mull this over. I have some handspun that I think would work, but there isn't enough for the length of the sweater. Sigh! I have to think on this.
Last night at our Thursday Night Knitting Group JF and TR bought some Noro Silk Garden to make Brooklyn Tweeds rib scarf. That might be a nice knit-a-long too. It seems a lot of folks are doing that scarf.
Anyway-keep singing and eating and having fun. 'Tis the season.
Oh! Last weekend there were probably a minimum of 50 people at the Wild Foods Party. It was fun. The slide presentations were exquisite. And AE set up a video on his TV of the trip to Africa. The gorillas are amazing. This was bushwhacking at the MAX. I have never been good at bushwhacking on a long-term basis. I mean these porters simply whacked a trail with a machete and moved up into the mountains. The give-a-way that gorillas were nearby were the hordes of flies circling overhead. And there they were.
Until later.

1 comment:

Kookaburra said...

:) Thanks for using Kookaburra Wash!