At our Monday night knitting group, we celebrated CP's birthday. Here is the birthday girl herself.
A little bubbly was toasted and cake was eaten. After the wedding cake and this cake, that is all I need for a while. This cake had cream cheese frosting. YUMMMMM!
Needless to say, everyone was really, really loud at the knit group. Some knitting got done, but how I never can say. CP had to put her lace knitting up after the wine started. I never even got my stuff out. I just socialized.
This week has been much quieter than the weeks before. I am on hold right now, and in a waiting period. I did try to get my tags and taxes taken care of for the new car. My bad-I never even noticed that my sister-in-law had not signed the bill of sale. So that is going back to her and hopefully she will return it expediently.
I think I mentioned that I had bought a new treadle kit for my old Ashford. Well, last night I sat down and put a sealer on the wood, and it now has two coats of Tung Oil added. But I have to wait until it is completely dry. I am going to have a patchwork spinning wheel when finished. I cannot remember what my father stained the original with. I remember distinctly that he mentioned finishing with Tung Oil. So the treadles and con rods will be lighter than the old wheel. I believe they are different woods. I guess in 32 years things have changed with the manufacturer. And my Woolee Winder is light wood also. So three different shades of wood. And I am replacing my old leather band with a new band. The old treadle was connected to the con rod with a leather bit. But the new con rods have a plastic connector that appears to be rather tough. I hope. I am planning to use this wheel for another 32 years-if I live that long.
We have had more rain this week. This is the first wet summer I can remember in ages. I had about 2.5 inches in the last two days. Parts of the county got 3-4 inches. The yard is outrageous this year. I cannot stand the bugs and I haven't been tending to things as I should. When I returned from Kansas, just the walk to the house from the car gave me a whole new batch of chiggers. I hate chiggers. I did mow on Sunday, but now the yard is up again with the rain! URGGH!
I am almost finished with sock 1; I am decreasing the toe now. It is slow going since every time I think I am going to focus and sit down, Noodles wants to sit in my lap. He is not a lap kinda guy. He weighs 17 pounds and is a big boy, so he doesn't fit. He tries to fit, and then he kinda oozes over the edge and takes up most of the chair. And he butts my hand while I am knitting. Then he begins to drool. You get the picture. Not conducive to knitting.
Well, I am going to go read the instructions again for assembling the treadles. I am getting excited, although I am still nervous about messing up the wheel. I know it is a simple machine, but it has some emotional ties to it. I don't want to mess up. I know my father would want me to update it and make it better. But it is still nerve-wracking.
Happy weekend. I hope you are spinning, knitting, or doing something exciting.
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