Sunday, January 20, 2008

The first sock is almost done. Yeah! I have been knitting primarily at work during moments of waiting. There is not much of that, but enough to get one row done. Sorry about the blurry close up, but I wanted to show the pattern. It's so pretty. Lots of oohs and aahs from everyone. I folded it to show the heel. I love the big blue stripe with the orange through it. You can't see the way the darker blue came out with the short rows of turning the heel. Really cute.

I worked at the LYS yesterday. It was fun. I don't mind working an extra day of the week if it's fun. Sasha-the shop cat-slept the whole day in a chair upstairs in the sun.

It has turned horribly cold again. It is not one of our little cold spells, but a long one. I know it is nothing compared to 36 below in Minnesota, but it is cold enough for me to turn up the heat. I am very creative how I manage to put a curtain up over the back half of my abode, and it keeps the front half fairly ok. With the sun coming in the windows today, my indoor thermometer shows 66 degrees. It is cold enough at night I have to watch my pipes. The joys of rural living. I don't think they tell you all this in Country Woman or Rural America. I know it is my choice to live in the boonies, but I hate winter.

Don't you love the way our President is trying to save our economy? Give a tax break for rich people, and hope something trickles down to the bottom. Sigh! I went to Wal-Mart on my dreaded once in a while trip. I will not go there until I have to. I walked out with two Wal-Mart bags and a bag of kitty litter. It cost me $95!! How do people do it? I see people go in and out every day. I take my seniors there regularly. They come out with a cart full of bags. How can they afford that? It is a puzzle beyond me. I know I am hunkering down and not spending money without thinking about how much it costs. I even carry my calculator with me.

Boy! I am so sorry this is a bitch session instead of a stitch session.

On the stitch side, JF left me a bag of leftover yarn at the yarn store for my mitre afghan. I am really excited, because a lot of it is solid colors. I don't have very many solids, mostly the painted yarns. So this will give a new look. I plan to work on that today. My lifetime project. Another sigh!

Well, I am going to go put the laundry in the dryer. Maybe sit in the sun and spin a little. Cook a little lunch. Then mitres here I come. Keep warm!

1 comment:

Lila Rostenberg said...

Nice socks! Knitting them is addicting! Your mitre afghan will be fabulous!
Are you the Juliann I knew from the weavers guild 30 years ago??? Thanks for visiting my blog!
the knitting group at Hand Held is a good thing...I am very good friends with Tracie who goes a lot!
I still have lots of quilts to finish too!!!