Sunday, October 14, 2007

Good Friends, Good Food, Good Fun!

Friendship arises out of mere Companionship when two or more of the companions discover that they have in common some insight or interest or even taste which the others do not share and which, till that moment, each believed to be his own unique treasure (or burden). The typical expression of opening Friendship would be something like, "What? You too? I thought I was the only one." . . . . It is when two such persons discover one another,when, whether with immense difficulties and semi-articulate fumblings or with what would seem to us amazing and elliptical speed, they share their vision - it is then that Friendship is born. And instantly they stand together in an immense solitude.- C.S. Lewis, The Four Loves, paragraph 16

Yesterday my friend CJ, her mother, her friend L, and L's daughter H came to visit. CJ has been teaching H how to knit, and H has been going on her own with a knitting book. She lives several hours away. We oohed and ahhed over show and tell, we talked knitting, we talked spinning, we looked through my stash of fibers. We chose some stuff for CJ's Latvian patterned socks she is planning. After eating some soup and stuff, I set up the drum carder for CJ to card some fleece. I then showed H how to spin with a drop spindle. Which, of course, she immediately took off on. She had been spinning on CJ's spinning wheel one weekend, and now, she wants to spin. She is 11. I gave her my little spindle that I had made, and some roving. She is ecstatic. She even said as they were leaving, "Are you sure I can have this?" I said, "Only if you want it, and that you would like to have it." It instantly went into the little knitting bag I had felted and knew it should go home with her. I told her every knitter needs her own knitting bag. Isn't it good to have friends around for a whole day?

CJ's mother took a nap on my couch. So we got to talk a lot. It was then that we realized that she had "known" me for years, but didn't really "know" me. She cannot remember that I was spinning and knitting and weaving from the beginning. She was a professional singer/songwriter and was focused on her work. She did some tatting when she had her year of chemo for breast cancer.

But suddenly she is spinning and knitting and learning all kinds of things fast. We have a group of mutual friends that all go to this cabin way out in the boonies, nine creek crossings to an inholding in the middle of a national forest. The last meeting of friends is always the last weekend in October. I told her I had a picture somewhere of me knitting a pair of socks on the back porch while visiting with another friend's mother. I know it is Autumn because of the leaves on the trees. She does not remember that at all. And I told her I had taken my spinning wheel once. She remarked, "Maybe it was a weekend that I was on a gig." I told her that it was not; that she was there.

But now we have our new friendship. Which is nice at our later age and experience. We both have a lot in common, but she has a very busy life with her mother, her husband's mother, and her writing. And, of course, her fiber art.

I enjoyed the day because it was a chance for me to share and teach and to have companionship in things I love. It was a glorious day with a definite Autumn tinge. Cool, windy, bright sun that is not so warming. We have been having lows in the low 40's. I have put a blanket on the bed. I finally closed the windows. I have not put the storm doors on the screen doors yet. Baby has been sleeping up tight and personal at night. I get pinned against the wall because in my sleep I move away, she moves up close, I move away, she moves up close, etc.

So today is a day of rest. No cooking, no cleaning, no nothing. I am going to sew today. I have plans, but may not stick to plans. I guess I should mention that I got my copy of Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts by Joelle Hoverson. I ordered it from Purl. They are so cool. I ripped open the box and there was a little wrapped package in green tissue paper. And there is a little note inside the cover with a receipt and thank you. I thought it was special that I got a present to myself.

I want to make some bird ornaments right now, so that will be on my plan list today. I also like the pin cushions and pin books. Nice gifts for friends.

So gotta go try to relax, and have some fun. Later.

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