Monday, September 3, 2007

Just Because There Is A Hurricane In The Gulf, Do We Have To Have The Humidty?

Well-here is the project I have been working on today. The picture on the left is the solution I found for the problem I have been having with this quilt. The problem is shown in two different views. The quilt block is a modification of a log cabin pattern. The four blocks together make the larger block. The indiviual blocks never could come out anywhere near the same size. I tried different things, got so frustrated I threw them in a box, and left it until today. I tried putting the bigger block in the middle-didn't work. I tried another way. I finally decided to just use the small blocks in its separate pattern. I sewed four blocks together for a larger block. I sewed two together to make a larger block. Then sewed three of these together across. I now have three strips to sew together. Where I will go from here-who knows. I have so much material now, and I am winging it.

I have been energized today to do this much. But the energy level is diminishing. It is also getting hotter-with humidity. I think I will finish sewing my strips together, and that will be it.
Have a good holiday!

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